Ave 14th Street, Mirpur 210, San Franciso, USA 3296.
+0989 7876 9865 9
+3333 4343 2233
Throughout history, the most important has been the division into surgical and internal medicine specialties. The surgical specialties are those in which an important part of diagnosis and treatment is achieved through major surgical techniques. The internal medicine specialties are the specialties in which the main diagnosis.
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
The operation is carried out as a Day case, usually with you asleep, although the occasional patient might prefer local anaesthesia. We use TIVA at the Cadogan Clinic, which is safe and reliable. Before surgery, the surgeon will mark up the skin with you awake and take standard photographs for the records. Liposuction alone may be adequate, but if there is floppy skin, it will need be reduced.The markings will determine the amount to be removed and the position of the final scar.
Different types of treatment work for different people. It depends on how sick a person is and what drugs the person is addicted to. It also depends on the person. Each person is different. What works for one person might not work for someone else. It's important for people to talk with their doctor about a treatment plan that's just right for them.Some treatment happens in hospitals. People might stay there for days, weeks, or months. Other treatment happens during the day at doctor’s offices or clinics.
General anesthesia is what people most often think of when they hear the word "anesthesia". During general anesthesia, you are unconscious and have no awareness or sensations. Many different medications may be used during general anesthesia. Some are anesthetic gases or vapors that are given through a breathing tube or a mask. Some medications are given through the IV to induce sleep, relax muscles, and treat pain.
Before your operation takes place, you and your family will have a chance to meet with the anesthesiologist — the doctor or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) who specializes in giving anesthetics, the medications that will help you fall asleep or numb an area of your body so you don't feel the surgery. The anesthesiology staff will have your medical information so you can be given the amount of anesthetic you need for your age, height, and weight.
You’ve finally decided to get that tummy tuck, and you’re diligently researching cosmetic surgeons to find the perfect doc. You’re scrutinizing each doctor’s training, experience, patient reviews, and before and after photos—but have you thought about where they operate? When it comes to a safe, successful cosmetic surgery experience, a good doctor is key
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
Throughout history, the most important has been the division into surgical and internal medicine specialties. The surgical specialties are those in which an important part of diagnosis and treatment is achieved through major surgical techniques. The internal medicine specialties are the specialties in which the main diagnosis.
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
The operation is carried out as a Day case, usually with you asleep, although the occasional patient might prefer local anaesthesia. We use TIVA at the Cadogan Clinic, which is safe and reliable. Before surgery, the surgeon will mark up the skin with you awake and take standard photographs for the records. Liposuction alone may be adequate, but if there is floppy skin, it will need be reduced.The markings will determine the amount to be removed and the position of the final scar.
Different types of treatment work for different people. It depends on how sick a person is and what drugs the person is addicted to. It also depends on the person. Each person is different. What works for one person might not work for someone else. It's important for people to talk with their doctor about a treatment plan that's just right for them.Some treatment happens in hospitals. People might stay there for days, weeks, or months. Other treatment happens during the day at doctor’s offices or clinics.
General anesthesia is what people most often think of when they hear the word "anesthesia". During general anesthesia, you are unconscious and have no awareness or sensations. Many different medications may be used during general anesthesia. Some are anesthetic gases or vapors that are given through a breathing tube or a mask. Some medications are given through the IV to induce sleep, relax muscles, and treat pain.
Before your operation takes place, you and your family will have a chance to meet with the anesthesiologist — the doctor or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) who specializes in giving anesthetics, the medications that will help you fall asleep or numb an area of your body so you don't feel the surgery. The anesthesiology staff will have your medical information so you can be given the amount of anesthetic you need for your age, height, and weight.
You’ve finally decided to get that tummy tuck, and you’re diligently researching cosmetic surgeons to find the perfect doc. You’re scrutinizing each doctor’s training, experience, patient reviews, and before and after photos—but have you thought about where they operate? When it comes to a safe, successful cosmetic surgery experience, a good doctor is key
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter) incisions and using tiny tools and cameras. The purpose of surgery varies, but it may be recommended for making or confirming a diagnosis, removing dama
1 CC:使用面狀打法打在蘋果肌、法令、下巴等位置,加強蘋果肌的部分,進一步提升氣色,改善疲倦感,並讓中臉線條更柔順。
2 CC 使用非常少量的劑量打眉骨,達到提眉的效果,畫龍點睛之筆。
「雙下巴」在醫學上稱為「下頦下脂肪」(submental fat),此部位的脂肪較為頑固,以往只能靠抽脂手術進行改善,但並非所有人都願意承受手術的副作用與恢復期,因此全球醫美圈近年流行起一陣不必麻醉也不會留傷口的消脂療法(Lipodissolve)風潮。